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Resource Family Approval (RFA)  is a new family friendly and child centered caregiver approval process that combines elements of foster parent certification, relative approval and approvals for adoption and legal guardianship processes.  Resource family is the new term California applies to caregivers who provide out of home care for children in foster care.  Resource families include individuals, couples, and families.  They may be related to the child, have a familiar or mentoring relationship with the child, or no previous relationship with the child. 

Being a foster parent means taking the child into your care and providing for their needs. 

Resource Family’s Role

•  Protecting and Nurturing Children

•  Meeting Children’s Developmental Needs

and Addressing their Delays

•  Supporting Relationships Between Children

and their Families

•  Connecting Children to Safe & Nurturing

Relationships intended to last a lifetime – Journey through


• Working as a Member of a Professional Team with

child welfare team

Resource Families



Ana Corona

Has been in the agency for 11 years,

she is caring for sibling groups of children

and is also an adoptive parent.  She and her family have embraced children of all

backgrounds and ethnicities.

Meet Our Featured Resource Parents

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