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Healing Advocacy for Birth Families is a voluntary program offered exclusively to mentor and support the birth families of children and youth placed in foster care with Creative Solutions. Our staff endeavors to meet with birth families during Ice Breaker Orientation to introduce this program.


This program  is designed  to encourage, support and connect families to a faith based community where they can receive resources, and supportive services which may include education, rehabilitation, therapy and parenting classes and linkages to other community resources.

The program aims to accomplish the following:


  1. Connect Families with faith based communities and establish positive and supportive relationships

  2. Empower and Inspire families to move forward in completing their reunification services with their children through mentoring and community resources

  3. Maintain connection and relationship with the faith based communities programs and weekly worship for strength and healing

  4. Reduce re-entry to foster care.

Healing Advocacy for Birth Families

Happy Family
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